What we do
We promote the positive role of our product, beer
As ambassadors of this essential beverage in our Mediterranean lifestyle, we work daily to transmit and reinforce our contribution as a driving force of the economy and development of the country, as well as our contribution to society and the environment.
We are proud to play an active role, creating wealth and promoting a wide range of social and cultural activities.
We are proud to play an active role, creating wealth and promoting a wide range of social and cultural activities.

Cerveceros de España’s contribution to the Spanish economy
- We operate in the tangible day-to-day economy. The beer sector is mainstream, broad and ubiquitous, as it covers a long value chain that operates across all sectors of the economy, from agriculture to hospitality and the end consumer.
- We ensure compliance of legislation and good practices, so that business is conducted responsibly to guarantee competitiveness and the right relationship between industry and society.
- At Cerveceros de España we bet on competitiveness in the Spanish beer sector and we help boost its presence in overseas markets, generating a positive impact on Spain’s trade balance.
- We develop new quality control methods and production procedures, promoting knowledge and the right use of three natural ingredients of beer (water, barley and hops). The advances made at brewing plants have driven scientific research in agri-food matters.

Cerveceros de España’s contribution to society :
- We defend responsible and moderate beer consumption as part of Mediterranean culture.
- We continue to lead the way in the Spanish production industry, spearheading good practice commercial initiatives, self-regulation, consumer information and food safety.
- We promote the creation of initiatives and awareness campaigns with diverse social players to avoid excessive alcohol consumption and support responsible beer consumption.
- We are committed to society and promote the organisation of sporting and cultural events, we finance small clubs and national and international sports meetings in Spain.

Cerveceros de España’s contribution to the environment :
- We reinforce knowledge of the close relationship between beer, agriculture and the environment, as the basis to maintaining the three key ingredients of beer: water, barley and hops.
- We ensure compliance of community regulations in terms of responsible drinking and production.
- We constantly promote new practices and techniques that guarantee environmental sustainability in the Spanish beer sector.